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We connect you to the top local agent or agents in your area to sell your property. All this is absolutely free. Our recommended agents are picked based on our own independent research, current and recent sales profiles.
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What we do for you
How It Works
Our recommended agents are selected based on our own independent research, current, recent sales results. We do not have any pre-selected agents nor are we affiliated to any real estate agency company. We are independent and offer a free service for Australian property owners.
We use independent data and sales data (based on your property profile) to find you the best agents with a proven record of selling similar properties to yours in your suburb.
We are not a real estate company, nor do we have any relationship with any particular real estate companies. And, we do not have agreements with pre-selected agents.
Our business relies on the most up to date industry data not available to the general public.
The Agents we recommend will be selected specifically based on their ability to sell your particular property. Our recommendations will more likely get you the best price for your property in the shortest space of time. And there’s no obligation or contract with us. All at no cost to you.
About Us
We operate a client first business our dedicated Customer Care Team aims to deliver. five star service. Top Agent Finder remains 100% neutral, we want to help Australian’s maximise the sale value our their home by independently reviewing agent performance. No bias. No Obligation. Our service is obligation free. There are no strings attached.
What customers our say
“Our Top Agent Finder rep was extremely helpful in finding the best performing agent in our area. We also received a tonne of resources and guides to help us prepare our home for sale. Highly recommended, without question. We’re a bit frustrate with dealing with agents due to experiences with other agents and wanted to ensure that we were going to the best from the start. Our agent ended up securing a sale price well beyond our expectations. Extremely happy.”
“Owned an investment property in Melbourne when I lived in Queensland. Top Agent Finder made the process of finding an agent very smooth and easy and took the stress out of having to interview and select an agent, thank you again!”
“We were very impressed with this service and what they offer. We received a tonne of worthwhile information at no cost and then the names of the agents in the area that had the best sales records. We first received a comprehensive report on property value and recent sales in the area. I was very pleased with the agent we chose, on your advice, she totally lived up to expectations.
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FREE service for Australian property owners, connect to a Top Agent in your area and Get a Property Valuation Report | Valued at $97
(Takes Less than 60 Seconds)